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In the spirit of celebrating India’s leadership position in the fight against poverty, they took to the stage to shine a spotlight on India’s progress in recent decades in eradicating poverty as well as to highlight the challenges that remain, such as regarding India’s sanitation issue. This was delivered as part of a special India-themed moment that was curated at this year’s 2015 Global Citizen Festival.

Arjun Kapoor_GCF1Filmwalaexp

India Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent Global Citizens a poignant recorded message that pledged his government’s commitment to eradicating poverty from India and support for the United Nations’ newGlobal Goals campaign.

The Global Citizen Festival was a precursor to kick-start the Global Goals campaign, founder by filmmaker Richard Curtis, which aims to reach 7 billion people in 7 days.

Chris Martin (Coldplay) introduced Sunidhi Chauhan on stage for her performance.

Video of Arjun, Freida, Chris Martin, Sunidhi on stage


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