Mumbai: Film Studios Setting & Allied Mazdoor Union’s Joint Secretary Shri.Rakesh Maurya was attacked on Thursday, 25th May 2017 when he was on his way to reach the union office in Malad (East). Around 8 to 10 people travelling in bikes and scooters accosted him near the Oberoi mall and attacked him and snatched his money, gold chain (total Rs. 1,80,000) too. They even warned of consequences to kill him and his entire families including that of Union’s General Secretary Gangeshwarlal Shrivastav a.k.a Sanju. An F.I.R. was registered the same day at Kurar Village Police Station,Malad (E), Mumbai and Maurya underwent medical examination too. The Police are investigating the case.

Of late, the Film Studios Setting & Allied Mazdoor Union had removed some dishonest members for attempting fraud case and corruption within the Union. These people ganging up with few others threatened the office bearers of the Union with dire consequences. Joint Secretary of the Union RakeshMaurya said, “While attacking me they kept on saying to stay away from Premsingh Thakur and Khalidbhai. Leave the august company of the union and Sanju or else we will not spare you or your families. We will even kill Sanju and his families too. Then let us see what Ram Kadam will do thereafter.”

The office of the union is situated at Express Zone building, opposite Reliance Energy, Malad (East) express highway. The union’s dashing Chairman is MLA Ram Kadam and its General Secretary is GangeshwarlalShrivastava.ka. Sanju. Under their leadership the union has made rapid progress and has received lot of appreciation from its workers. This has irked some unscrupulous members.

Gangeshwarlal Shrivastav a.k.a Sanju, the General Secretary voiced his concern, “We have been receiving threats since long time. We have officially filed complaints at all police stations including the Police Commissioner office. They have not taken any concrete steps and resultantly these elements found an opportunity and attacked our Joint Secretary. Tomorrow any big incident occurs and then only will the police and the governing bodies awake from their deep slumber. I earnestly appeal to all those concerned police officers and their department including the government to give us police protection which has been demanded time and again. I also request all our media fraternity to support us in our endeavor.”

The Film Studios & Allied Mazdoor Union has more than 43,000 members and is the Asia’s largest labour union.————-Sanjay Sharma Raj(P.R.O.)

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