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The aim of French European Indian Organisations is to promote entrepreneurship and facilitate industrial growth as trade and industry form an integral part of economic development of the country and for any Organization assisting them to network within the country and overseas for strategic partnerships either technical or commercial or in the terms of businesses, corporate houses, organizations, government agencies, Consulates or Embassies. Recently French European Indian Organization had a soft launch at the Indian Embassy in Paris, Which was inaugurated by The Ambassador of India Dr. Mohan Kumar, The Minister (Consular) Pankaj Saxena, First Secretary (Press& Culture) Lavanya Kumar and First Secretary (Community Affairs) Dheeraj Mukhia. Speaking on this occasion, Mr. Satish Reddy, President of the French European-Indian Organization said that  “I am happy to be in this organization as there will more than ten lakhs members registered in Europe comprising a cross-section of the business community with us as this will help them to have bilateral trades with France, Europe, and India where they get a chance to interact with each other and we are also planning members in India also. FEIO plays an advocacy role on a wide range of matters and acting as an impetus to growth and development of businesses, on policy and implementation matters.” Vice President of FEIO Ms. Jasmine Marecar expressed hope that presence of Mr. Satish Reddy in India will allow the association in promoting cultural and economic relations between India and France.

French European

After talking about the relationship and opportunity Satish Reddy further added about his organization and his goals. ” French European Indian Organization is based in Paris. It registered at “Préfecture du Val-de-Marne” in France. It caters to the Social, Economic and cultural activity. The Aim is to get all the people from Indo-France and Europe in terms of peace and Harmony. France-Indian relationship has become increasingly strategic, even as one could argue that it has yet to realize its full economic potential. FEIO wants to play a bridge to get cultural tie-ups and business opportunity for France and the European community between them and Indian people. To promote the destination of both the countries as they could get a tourism boost The cultural activities also let people get familiar regarding their traditions and food habits. FEIO aim is to get maximum people to join this association and build a human chain and bridge in one platform” he added.

Indian Ambassador Dr. Mohan Kumar  appreciated the aim and vision of FEIO and said, “It is very good that the organization is getting both the countries together as the members and its community can help the world and India to grow bigger.”  He emphasized the role of Indo-French friendship associations in promoting people to people contacts and cultural relations between India and France.

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