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The living legendary singer of Punjab, Babbu Maan has always been a sensation in Punjabi music scene and the man surely has many awards and crazy fan frenzy to vouch for it. Babbu Maan enjoys huge fan following so much so that people literally tattoo his name on their bodies or paint his picture on their cars. The superstar singer just won himself not one or two but as many as four awards at the highly coveted World Music Awards in Monte Carlo 2014.

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Maan earned to his merit the World’s Best Indian Male Artist Award, Best Indian Live Act, Best Indian Entertainer and Best Indian Album Award at the WMA this year. Although the Punjabi pop star has reasons to rejoice but his winnings are only making his resolve stronger. The superstar has a resolution for 2015 – that of winning over Bollywood music industry by working with talented music directors from Bollywood whether they are old or new. And with the way Babbu Maan seems to be going we are sure he will swipe clean all awards next year in Bollywood music as well not to mention the superhit singer is also shifting base to Mumbai next year. Well it’s going to be well worth the wait!

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