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The basic factor for astrology, palmistry and face reading requires accurate prediction and if one has this qualification then people can flock for appointments and Gaurav Sharma is such eminent astrologer, palmist, face reader and spiritual guru, who possess all these qualities and has never disappointed his clients Sharma has another plus point to predict one’s future or queries, sans birth time, merely through his vast experience in the said sphere.

A well qualified person, Gaurav Sharma is an MBA, hails from a marketing and finance world in which he has gained lot of experience which helps him in his day to day life. Since 2009, Sharma practices and advices his clients on astrology, palmistry and face reading and helps people from all walks of life, who need his help and service. Moreover, his unparallel interpretation of respective birth chart emphasizes the strengths and weaknesses of the physiological aspect, and analyzes  conscious and unconscious aspect of the individual.


He has solution for any and every kind of problems, whether they are related to Black Magic, Vastu, Husband and wife relationship, Manglik Dosh, Bad effects of planets, Any sharp hatya dosh or else, Gaurav is the right person to approach, who can tackle such kind of problems in minutes. Furthermore, his organization takes pride in offering Horoscope Specialist Services , Numerology Services, Intercast Marriages  and Vashikaran, a strongest method by which a person is attracted and Pandit Gaurav Sharma gains No.1 position, being a Vashikaran specialist astrologer.

Gaurav’s clients encompass people from all walks of life like celebs from Bollywood, Fashion Industry, Media, Sports ,Politics, Businessmen, women from India and abroad and specially tourist, who drop in J W Marriott (Juhu,Mumbai) to meet  Gaurav Sharma’s where his office is located at Business Centre.

To fix appointment with GAURAV SHARMA  YOU CAN CONTACT HIM ON HIS CALLING CUM WHATSAPP NUMBER.                  +91 99305 75159

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