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Picked up by Akshay Kumar Sir who inspired many people including me .

Menstruation in India comes with a baggage of myths and superstitions. Many menstruating women are still subjected to some of the worst forms of discrimination because they are regarded as impure.They are forced to stay away from their children during their periods.They are not allowed to enter the kitchen or worship in a temple.In reality these superstitions have no basis.Its not written in any religious text.

We need to educate women about menstrual and genital health.Women need to get rid of the stigma attached to menstruation and other issues related to genital hygiene.Bleeding is as much part of life of women as breathing,yet for all too many, the monthly period is still a taboo.


A survey report suggests that India accounts for a third of the deaths due to cervical cancer globally,with 2 women dying every 2 minutes.A new case is diagnosed in the country every 4 minutes.The cancer which affects the opening of the uterus can be prevented if women use hygienic sanitary pads instead of cloth.

Just 1 woman in every ten in India use commercially available sanitary pads.We are really thankful to #Akshaykumar sir for taking such an initiative which needs a lot of courage in a country like ours,for a man to discuss a very sensitive issue and the real man behind the story who inspired everyone of us mr Arunachalam muruganantham .today we need to address this issue publicly so that perspective of women towards their ownself would change and they would start using these sanitary pads for their own sake. So now lets talk about periods .

By admin